Our Agency has over 200 employees, 60% of whom are Indigenous, and our workforce is distributed across eleven (11) locations in both unionized and non-unionized environments. The HR team strives to provide the best service possible by providing support and direction to the staff.


  • Director - Teekca Spence
  • Associate Director - Thomasena Downes-Mitchell
  • Coordinator - Corrin Toews
  • HR Generalist - Cari-Lynn Lecocq


Health & Safety

  • Coordinator - Belinda Selkirk
  • Maintenance - Jared Richard


Training Coordinator, Samantha Chabbert, provides specialized in-house training to existing city and community employees both virtually and in person, and coordinates training from outside organizations and independent contractors.

The Agency established a partnership with Yellowquill University College to provide their First Nations Child and Family Services Worker program as a Cohort Program for 23 of our Southeast member employees.

The Agency has also partnered with the University of Manitoba to provide their Bachelor of Social Work Cohort Program which will start in January 2023.


Corrin Towes, Human Resource Coordinator, joined the Agency in May 2023 to enhance the Agency's recruitment efforts. Corrin is also responsible for coordinating the oversight of the Yellowquill University College First Nation Child and Family Services Cohort program. Corrin collaborates with Shawenim Abinoojii to promote our Agency through career fairs and other community events.

Health and Safety:

Belinda Selkirk joined the Agency in a dual role of Health and Safety Office and Mountain Office Manager in November 2022. She has been actively involved with supporting the Agency staff and communities with providing cleaning supplies, rapid testing kits, personal protective equipment, hand sanitizer, as well as tracking children, families, community members, and our staff affected by COVID-19. She also provides up to date information from the Province of Manitoba and Shared Health with staff regarding protocols to follow if someone suspects or has COVID.

Belinda is the Agency's Health and Safety Committee Chair and is responsible for monitoring and implementing the recommendations identified by the Committee for the safety and well-being of the Agency, staff, children, and families we serve. She will be visiting the Agency offices to conduct safety inspections at the offices and staff accommodation buildings.

Take Our Kids to Work Day

Take Our Kids to Work Day is a national program of the Learning Partnership that has existed since 1994. On November 2, 2022, our Agency participated in this year's Take Our Kids to Work Day and welcomed Grade 9 students into the workplace with the shared goal of creating a meaningful and empowering learning experience for our youth.

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